About TJH

In 1900, Tongji Hospital was founded by Mr. Erich Paulun, a German doctor, in Shanghai and moved to Wuhan in 1955. After 120 years of construction and development, it has grown into an innovative modern hospital integrating medical care, teaching and research. With a complete array of disciplines, a distinguished gathering of experts and an ample force of teachers, and with exquisite medical techniques, state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, outstanding research capabilities, sophisticated scientific management, it has become a modern comprehensive hospital integrating medical service, teaching, scientific innovation, public health and hospital management, leaping to the front row of China's hospitals.

National academicians
recipients of various national talent projects
holders of special government allowances from China's State Council
National Medical Center
National Key Disciplines
National Key Clinical Specialties
Clinical and Paramedical departments
Hospital leaders
Party Secretary:
Deputy Party Secretary:
Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission:
Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee:
Hospital Motto
Keep seeking for the truth, and pull together in times of trouble.
Core Values
Preciseness & Fact-seeking Innovation & Renovation Patient-first & Devotion Eagerness & Excellence.
Development Principles
The hospital is run by rules, and is characterized by its unique culture, scientific research, medical education, quality medical service, and talents.
Our Vision
To build a Chinese world-class innovative international medical center.
Find The Hospital
Main Hospital Area
Address: no.1095 Jiefang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei Province
Tel: 027-83662688 83662640 (fax)
Optical Valley Branch(Sino-German Friendship Hospital)
Address: No.501 High-tech Avenue, East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan
Sino-French New City Branch
Address: No. 288 Xintian Avenue, Caidian, Wuhan