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The Closing Ceremony of the Day of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Heidelberg University Held in Tongji Hospital

In the afternoon of May 19th, the closing ceremony of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Heidelberg University Day, an event during the 110th Anniversary of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology was held in Tongji hospital. Founded in 1386, as one of the best elite universities, Heidelberg University has been an important scientific research base in Europe, where 11 Noble winners cultivated. The cooperation and exchanges relationship with Tongji can be traced back to 1980.

In the morning, the opening ceremony of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Heidelberg University Day was held in Tongji Medical College (TMC). In the afternoon, a series of activities of Heidelberg University Information Session, Academic Conference and Closing Ceremony were held on F24 of Surgery Building in Tongji hospital. Prof. Christian Ohrloff, director of DCGM, Prof. Mathias Goyen, Executive secretary of DCGM, 11 experts from Heidelberg University, President CHEN Jianguo and vice president AN Yue of TMC, deputy LIU Junhua and HE Gang of International Education College of HUST, President XU Yongjian, vice president WU Hua and vice president LIU Zheng from Tongji hospital as well as over 100 teachers and students attended the activities.

President XU Yongjian firstly extended his welcome to the foreign guests and then he gave an introduction on Tongji and the exchanges and friendship with Germany and Heidelberg University. Afterwards, vice president Dieter W. Heermann of Heidelberg University also introduced the over 600 year’s old university and its current development to the audiences. In the academic conference, the experts from Heidelberg University and experts from Tongji hospital, Union Hospital and Shanghai Tongji University conducted medical exchanges.

The closing ceremony was hosted by deputy director HE Gang of International Education College of HUST. Prof. Kirchfink of Heidelberg University, vice president CHEN Jianguo of HUST and President XU Yongjian of Tongji hospital gave their remarks in the closing ceremony.


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